A site created by Mormon Church members
On MormonChurch.com, you will find articles written by average members of the Mormon Church, which is a common nickname for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Our purpose is to share our beliefs with others and to establish a site where honest inquiries can be answered. This is not an official Church site. The official Church websites are lds.org and mormon.org
Jesus Christ is the center of Mormon faith and worship. Mormon Church members strive to follow Jesus Christ in all that they do. To emphasize this, the Church has therefore established a website about Jesus Christ.
You might wonder how The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints came to be casually called the Mormon Church. The gospel of Jesus Christ has always existed. All the prophets who have ever lived (including Adam) have taught of Christ and explained the atonement. Whenever there have been a people willing to listen, the Lord has called prophets to teach them. This is especially true for the Lord’s covenant people, Israel. Around 600 B.C., as Jerusalem was about to fall to the Babylonians, the Lord led away a prophet named Lehi and his family to safety in the Americas. They were Israelites, and they took scriptures with them; their prophets added more of their teachings and history, and prepared them to receive Christ when He should come to minister on the earth. They were shown signs of His birth and death. After His resurrection, Christ visited these people and organized His church. Their scriptural record was compiled and abridged especially for we who live in the final days before Christ’s second coming. The ancient prophet who did this was named Mormon, and the scriptural record is called the Book of Mormon. Hence, the nickname, Mormon Church. The Book of Mormon is a second witness for Christ, and it supports and upholds the Holy Bible as the word of God.
Your comments and feedback on MormonChurch.com are welcome. Please feel free to contact us.
Mormons Honored for Portrayal of People With Disabilities
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Mormon Church: Contradictory Beliefs?
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Mormon Church: “Ye Must Pray Always”
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Does the Bible Show a Need for Continous Revelation?
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Mormon Church: Our Power Over Our Destinies
Hey there, my name is Stuart and I’m a college student here at BYU. I’m hoping to someday become a surgeon, but I still have a lot of school left ahead. I’m nearly 22 and a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (mistakenly called The...
Mormon Church: Serving Others
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