Do Mormons Have Mass?

Do Mormons Have Mass?

Catholics have mass to show adoration to the Savior. They teach Jesus offered Mass at the Last Supper and that the bread and wine offered during mass are literally transformed into the Savior’s blood and body. Mormons have a similar celebration, called the...
Does Religion Take Away Your Agency?

Does Religion Take Away Your Agency?

This is a common misconception about religion. Mormons teach that each person is given agency to choose for himself how to live . Mormon beliefs begin the story of life prior to birth, when God created each of us as a spirit. We lived with Him, learning, developing...
What are Angels?

What are Angels?

Angels are messengers from God and serve as ministering spirits. They’re spoken of often in both the Bible and Book of Mormon. There are two types of angels. The most common are resurrected beings—those who lived on earth, and then, after their deaths or...
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