Does the Church have a paid clergy?

Does the Church have a paid clergy?

Personal Reponse by Richard Neitzel Holzapfel Generally, organizations that operate through a paid-ministry model differ from that of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormon Church) in several ways. In a paid-ministry model, a person often decides...
How do I develop faith?

How do I develop faith?

Personal Response by James Faulconer Developing faith requires that one have faith, but how does it come in the first place? Answering that question requires us to remember that the word “faith” means primarily “trust.” The question of how to...
What do Mormons think of Muhammad?

What do Mormons think of Muhammad?

Personal Response by Brian Hauglid Since September 11, 2001, Muhammad has been treated as both an icon of peace and a harbinger of war, depending on how one interprets his own teachings and/or distinguishes them from those of Islamo-facism. Mormon scripture, and the...
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