by | Oct 16, 2010 | Addictions, Basic Beliefs, FAQ, Jesus Christ, Modern Scripture, Mormon Beliefs, Mormon News, The Bible
In the October 2010 General Conference, a semi-annual world-wide meeting for Mormons, Boyd K. Packer gave a talk which generated some controversy. It has been widely reported as a talk on homosexuality, but was in reality a talk on a proclamation on families issued by...
by | Jun 21, 2010 | Basic Beliefs, FAQ, Jesus Christ, Mormon Beliefs, Mormon News, The Bible
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, whose members are sometimes called Mormons, recently issued the following statement: In the mid-19th century, when rhetorical, emotional oratory was common, some church members and leaders used strong language that...
by | Sep 9, 2009 | Faith, FAQ, God, Jesus Christ
In the strictest sense, the word exmormon simply refers to someone who chose to end his membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Members of the Church are sometimes referred to informally as Mormons, and so an ex-mormon is a former Mormon....
by | Jun 30, 2009 | Faith, FAQ, God, Grace, Jesus Christ, The Bible
This question is often asked by evangelicals, and is, in general, a misunderstanding of the Mormon teachings on what happens after death and how we control that. Many evangelicals teach that a person gets to heaven by being “saved.” This involves the act of accepting...
by | Jun 15, 2009 | FAQ, Mormons & Catholics
In the Catholic faith, canonization is the official recognition that someone is a saint and was so even prior to the official recognition. A process is followed to allow the church to determine who is a saint. Mormons (the nickname for members of The Church of Jesus...
by | Jun 3, 2009 | Basic Beliefs, FAQ
Mormons are sometimes known as belonging to a church with a lot of rules. While it might seem like there are a great many of them, they are generally very basic rules of decent life. They were taught by the Savior during His ministry on earth, and those that were...